Consumer Satisfaction Assessment Center
Launched in 2012, the “Consumer Choice” quickly conquered the Portuguese. Since 2014, it has led the recognition rates of the awards in Portugal, with its methodology and the credibility of its evaluations being widely recognized, which culminated in 2019 with the attribution of the ISO 9001: 2015 quality management certification.

“Consumer Choice” is the number 1 brand evaluation system in Portugal. We evaluate more than 900 brands annually, in more than 100 consumer categories.
We evaluate the level of satisfaction and acceptability of the brands by their individual attributes, with the guarantee that they are always evaluated by consumers with current consumption experience and according to their specific satisfaction criteria. Now also in Spain.
The “Consumer Choice” is a system of evaluation and classification of brands based on the satisfaction and acceptance that they generate among consumers, with the sole objective of determining the degree of satisfaction and acceptability of consumers in relation to a product or service, helping them make a CONSCIOUS purchase.
We contribute to increasing the performance of brands in the market, providing information for their continuous improvement.
We value brands
We create means for the consumer to express himself, so that he can evaluate the brands and publicize the brands that satisfy him the most.
We are the voice of the consumer
We contribute to increasing the performance of brands in the market, providing information for their continuous improvement.
We are the voice of the consumer.